First off any time you begin to have late payments, overdraft fees, or missed payments on debts you may need help. In most cases we try to get that help before we hit foreclosure or bankruptcy. If you are heading towards bankruptcy you should know that one option is a bad debt restructuring remortgage. To save yourself from entering into a bankruptcy you still have this option left as a possible iva 收費 solution. This being said, given today’s credit and lending industry situation, there are not too many lenders on the market right now offering sub- prime mortgage. But with a little research you’ll be able to find a bad debt restructuring remortgage.
Let’s look at how to approach a lender. If you have bad credit, but do not want to file for bankruptcy seek the lender that has your current mortgage. If you are the first one to declare that you have a problem, you need a solution, and you would rather not undergo foreclosure or bankruptcy they may work with you. It will depend on the risk you pose. Lending institutions have too many REO (Real Estate Owned) properties now. Most are willing to work out a mutually beneficial deal to prevent owning your property as well.
For this case we are going to say that the bank would rather not lose the income you are providing through interest, and your credit hasn’t dipped so low with missed payments with this lender that they are unwilling to deal.