The USA Green Card Lottery lottery is an American Government program that allows you to win Permanent Resident Cards. It is also known as the Diversity Visa Program.
The Green Card Lottery program provides 50,000 visas each year to those who meet the eligibility requirements. It is administered by the U.S. Department of State Kentucky Consular Center.
How to win a Green Card Lottery
The US Government does not have an age limit for participation in the lottery program. However, applicants must meet the basic eligibility criteria.
Must be a native of one of these qualifying countries
You must meet the eligibility 5 bandar togel terpercaya criteria, i.e. you need to have either high school or an equivalent education and two years work experience in a specific occupation within the last five years.
The US Government requires that all applicants fill out the USA Green Card Lottery online application according to the instructions provided during registration.
Each applicant must submit one application per fiscal year. Rejection of more than one application will result in rejection. The applicant must include the spouse or children under 21 years old on the application form. The application form does not need to include a US citizen spouse or child.
Selection of winners:
The application form can be submitted without cost. All applications from any country or region received at the Kentucky Consular Center will be assigned a unique number. After the registration period has expired, the Kentucky Consular Center computer will randomly choose entries from all entries received from the country or region.
Each country and region will be eligible to submit an entry during the registration period. Each country or region will select the first randomly selected entry to register. The second randomly selected entry will also be registered.
The address on the application form will be used to notify the Green Card Lottery winners. Alternatively, applicants will receive a confirmation number upon submission of their application. This confirmation number allows them to check the status of any entry on the government website. Further instructions and details about fees will be sent to the winners. Notifications will be sent to applicants four to six weeks prior the scheduled interviews. The visas will be issued every month to those applicants who are available for it.